Your Pet’s Best Life Starts With Wellness Exams and Preventive Medicine

Give Your Puppy or Kitten The Best Start to Life at Hefner Road Animal Hospital

Puppies and kittens require extra care and attention in their earliest stages of life. We recommend frequent pet wellness exams to ensure your new family member grows and develops correctly.

Bringing home a new puppy or kitten can be exciting and overwhelming. Our dedicated team at Hefner Road Animal Hospital is here to help you provide the best life possible for your puppy or kitten.

Puppy and Kitten Wellness Exams

Puppies and kittens are more susceptible to diseases than adult pets. Our puppy and kitten wellness plans will help keep your new family member happy and healthy at their most delicate stages of life.

Our wellness exams ensure comprehensive care for your pet. Here’s what you can expect during your puppy or kittens wellness exam:

  • Recording weight, body condition score, and temperature
  • Complete nose-to-tail physical examination
  • Creating a vaccine schedule and administering necessary vaccines
  • Collecting a fecal sample to test for intestinal parasites
  • Developing a parasite prevention plan
  • Discussing nutritional requirements and dietary recommendations
  • Administering routine dewormer
  • Answer any questions or concerns you have

Vaccinating Your Puppy or Kitten

The first shots for puppies and kittens are the most important. An unvaccinated puppy or kitten will be susceptible to diseases that can be life-threatening.

Puppy and kitten care requires a personal touch. Our team will develop an individualized vaccination schedule for your puppy or kitten at their first pet wellness exam.

Book Your Puppy or Kitten Wellness Exam Today!

To schedule your puppy or kittens wellness exam, call us at (405) 773-5557 or make an appointment online!